Describe a monster

Hi, I'm a monster.
I'm blue.
I've got two ears.
I've got one big eye.
I've got four small arms with four fingers.
I've got two legs.
I like jumping and I love cakes.
What about you?

Monster 1:


Monster 2:

Monster 3:

Monster 4:

3 comentaris:

  1. Hello Mari!

    Congratulations for your blog, I also really like this blog. The appearance is perfect for students, so I think they will be motivated to work with this.
    I like this activity very much, related with descriptions. I think we often use activities about descriptions, but I always think in people descriptions, but no in monster descriptions, for example. I think this activity is very original and it gives me a lot of ideas to create different description activities in the future. I also believe that students are a little bit bored of activities where they should describe people, so with this activity they would be more excited and they would pay more attention; it would be funny.

    Great job!!

  2. Hi Mari!

    I've just watched your blog and I like it!
    I've chosen this activity "Describe a Monster" because I think is different from the traditional activities that we used to do when we learn how to describe. In my opinion, it's a great idea to use a monster, moreover because, maybe, we can use this activity to develop the creativity at the same time they practice English, at the beginning they can design their own monster and them they can describe it.
    Also, we can use this activity for listening and speaking skills. For example we can do it the description aloud and our students can try to draw the monster or they can do it the same process in pairs.

    Kind regards,


  3. Hi Mari!
    Nice and interesting blog! The appearance is really easy and visual for students, so you can motivate them quickly to learn English! I like so much the activity to find the differences between pictures. I’m going to try to do it this Halloween with my preschool kids, but I love your monster description activity. I thing is really original way to learn the description and a new way for them.
    Good job!
